Noise Control By-law

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The City of Pickering is updating its Noise Control By-law and is asking the public to review and provide feedback on the proposed changes. The survey will be available until May 20, 2023, and staff will report findings and recommendations at the October 3, 2023 Meeting of Council.

On September 20, 2022, Council Resolution #995/22 directed staff to undertake a review of the existing Noise Control By-law(External link) to provide clarity around the regulations and ensure the By-law remains responsive to the needs of those who live, work, and spend their time in Pickering. As a result of the review, numerous changes are being proposed. These changes will help resolve resident concerns and provide clarification to the existing by-law.

The City's Noise Control By-law provides time restrictions and sound level limits for various types of noise. This applies to construction, outdoor equipment/machinery, music, and more, to help address unreasonable and persistent noise that affects quality of life.

The purpose of these amendments is to provide an update to the existing regulations and to provide the public with an understanding of permitted and restricted activities.

Public input is the best way to ensure that the recommendations being brought forward reflect the needs of the community.

Proposed Changes to the Noise Control By-law

  1. The addition of: a vehicle alarm, siren, or security system which is being activated without a valid reason, for a period of time that exceeds the normal operating standard or that is not functioning as designed.

  2. Barking dogs will be removed as they are addressed in the Responsible Pet Ownership By-law.

  3. Operation of construction equipment is prohibited 7:00 pm to 7:00 am the following day, Monday to Friday and from 7:00 pm on Friday until 9:00 am on Saturday, and from 6:00 pm on Saturday to 7:00 am on Monday. Construction noise is prohibited on statutory holidays.

  4. Outdoor equipment or machinery used for yard maintenance to be changed to include: battery or rechargeable energy equipment or machinery for yard maintenance.

  5. Exempt: The sounding of bells, chimes, clocks or other announcements in relation to a property operated as a church, synagogue, temple, mosque, monastery or other place of worship between the hours of 7:00 am and 9:00 pm, or any property owned or operated by the City.

  6. Exempt: Any required emergency work being carried out by the City, a Regional Municipality, electrical utility company, natural gas company or any telecommunications company and is being completed to minimize service disruptions.

  7. Exempt: The sounding of bells or horns for traffic control. Including as a traffic signal or associated with the operation of a railroad.

  8. Exempt: Noise which results from commonplace household or workplace activities such as sound from furniture being moved, children playing indoors, people engaged in normal conversation or walking or moving within a household unit.

  9. Add enforcement provision: No person shall fail to provide identification or a required document upon request from an officer.

  10. New Penalty Section: Every person who contravenes any provision of this by-law is guilty of an offence and upon conviction is liable to:

    (a) A fine of not more than $100,000.
    (b) In the case of a continuing offence, the minimum fine of each day or part thereof shall be a minimum of $500 and a maximum of $10,000. The total of the daily fines for a continuing offence shall not be limited to $100,000
    (c) In addition to any other fines under this section, a special fine may be imposed if the commission of the offence resulted in economic gain or advantage. A special fine may exceed $100,000.

  11. The addition of an Order which could be issued verbally or in writing. This will be to discontinue an activity causing a noise disturbance.

Have your say by completing the survey below by May 20, 2023.

Have Your Say!
The City of Pickering is updating its Noise Control By-law and is asking the public to review and provide feedback on the proposed changes. The survey will be available until May 20, 2023, and staff will report findings and recommendations at the October 3, 2023 Meeting of Council.

On September 20, 2022, Council Resolution #995/22 directed staff to undertake a review of the existing Noise Control By-law(External link) to provide clarity around the regulations and ensure the By-law remains responsive to the needs of those who live, work, and spend their time in Pickering. As a result of the review, numerous changes are being proposed. These changes will help resolve resident concerns and provide clarification to the existing by-law.

The City's Noise Control By-law provides time restrictions and sound level limits for various types of noise. This applies to construction, outdoor equipment/machinery, music, and more, to help address unreasonable and persistent noise that affects quality of life.

The purpose of these amendments is to provide an update to the existing regulations and to provide the public with an understanding of permitted and restricted activities.

Public input is the best way to ensure that the recommendations being brought forward reflect the needs of the community.

Proposed Changes to the Noise Control By-law

  1. The addition of: a vehicle alarm, siren, or security system which is being activated without a valid reason, for a period of time that exceeds the normal operating standard or that is not functioning as designed.

  2. Barking dogs will be removed as they are addressed in the Responsible Pet Ownership By-law.

  3. Operation of construction equipment is prohibited 7:00 pm to 7:00 am the following day, Monday to Friday and from 7:00 pm on Friday until 9:00 am on Saturday, and from 6:00 pm on Saturday to 7:00 am on Monday. Construction noise is prohibited on statutory holidays.

  4. Outdoor equipment or machinery used for yard maintenance to be changed to include: battery or rechargeable energy equipment or machinery for yard maintenance.

  5. Exempt: The sounding of bells, chimes, clocks or other announcements in relation to a property operated as a church, synagogue, temple, mosque, monastery or other place of worship between the hours of 7:00 am and 9:00 pm, or any property owned or operated by the City.

  6. Exempt: Any required emergency work being carried out by the City, a Regional Municipality, electrical utility company, natural gas company or any telecommunications company and is being completed to minimize service disruptions.

  7. Exempt: The sounding of bells or horns for traffic control. Including as a traffic signal or associated with the operation of a railroad.

  8. Exempt: Noise which results from commonplace household or workplace activities such as sound from furniture being moved, children playing indoors, people engaged in normal conversation or walking or moving within a household unit.

  9. Add enforcement provision: No person shall fail to provide identification or a required document upon request from an officer.

  10. New Penalty Section: Every person who contravenes any provision of this by-law is guilty of an offence and upon conviction is liable to:

    (a) A fine of not more than $100,000.
    (b) In the case of a continuing offence, the minimum fine of each day or part thereof shall be a minimum of $500 and a maximum of $10,000. The total of the daily fines for a continuing offence shall not be limited to $100,000
    (c) In addition to any other fines under this section, a special fine may be imposed if the commission of the offence resulted in economic gain or advantage. A special fine may exceed $100,000.

  11. The addition of an Order which could be issued verbally or in writing. This will be to discontinue an activity causing a noise disturbance.

Have your say by completing the survey below by May 20, 2023.

Page last updated: 10 Nov 2023, 08:34 AM