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Seaton Recreation Complex & Library survey

We want to hear your thoughts on the three proposed design concepts for the new Seaton Recreation Complex & Library (please click hyperlinks throughout to open up the PDFs and view the full-size concept designs for each option). Your thoughts and suggestions are important to the design process to ensure that the new Seaton Recreation Complex & Library will meet the needs of our community.

Feedback collected during this community engagement campaign will be compiled and reviewed to develop a fourth design option that incorporates public input. This information will be shared with Council in the first quarter of 2025.


What services or features of the Seaton Recreation Complex & Library do you and/or your family plan to use? Check all that apply.

* required
Select option

Concept Designs

Click on the hyperlinks in the following sections to view the proposed building floor plans and site layouts for each Concept Design option. All three options are provided for your consideration and feedback. The suggestions, guidance, and advice collected from the survey will be combined to create a fourth option that incorporates the predominant themes from the responses.

For Concept Design - Option #1, we are looking for specific feedback on the features of each design. What do you like the best and least about:

For Concept Design - Option #2, we are looking for specific feedback on the features of each design. What do you like the best and least about:

For Concept Design - Option #3, we are looking for specific feedback on the features of each design. What do you like the best and least about:


Which Concept Design is your preferred option? 

* required

Tell us about your connection to Pickering (select all that apply)

* required
Select option

Select option


Please select the postal code for your household

* required