Planning and Development in Pickering
Pickering is growing. Our population is expected to grow to over 150,000 by 2036. To proactively and effectively make Pickering a place we are all proud to call home, we rely on the help of our City staff, municipal partners, and you - get informed and get involved!
The process of approving new housing, commercial, industrial, and mixed-use projects is rigorous. We reference the existing provincial, regional, and local policies to determine if a proposed project is permissible. We also rely on you, the public, to provide input and comments. The more you participate in this process, the more we are able to build a city that reflects our collective vision.
Current Development Applications
Did you know that each development proposal has its own information page on where members of the public can view supporting documents and opportunities for public engagement?
Get informed and get involved!
Snapshot of High-Density Development Activity
View PDF or click on the following images to enlarge.
Housing Choices
Affordable and attainable housing are important for the sustainable growth of Pickering. Residents are being priced out of our communities, and businesses that are looking to relocate want to make sure their employees can afford to live here.
This is an issue Pickering shares with many of its counterparts across the GTHA. The housing crisis is not only a Pickering issue or a Durham Region issue – it is a collective issue we share with other growth centres across Ontario.
We recognize that all of the housing development across Pickering collectively creates a diverse range of housing opportunities in our City. So, for the young families looking to purchase their new home, older adults looking to downsize, and for newcomers looking to move into our City, Pickering needs to offer housing options to suit every stage of life. We understand the importance of having a variety of housing types to meet the diverse needs of residents, and we are committed to advocating for attainable housing options for all.
Together, we are building a Pickering for everyone. We will ensure our City includes spaces, homes, and lifestyle options that meet the needs of our growing and diverse population.
Let's Talk Pickering Speaker Series
The City hosts an educational series on where we hear from Canadian experts on the best ways our city can accommodate urban growth & new development. Learn more and get involved - watch now!
June 2023 - Watch Video
The City of Pickering hosted a discussion on community growth and housing, featuring a presentation by Karen Chapple, School of Cities, followed by an audience Q&A period. The School of Cities, based out of the University of Toronto, is a solutions incubator for urban-focused researchers, educators, students, practitioners, and the general public to explore and address the complex global challenges facing urban centres.
April 2022 - Watch Video
By now, many of you have seen the ‘75 Towers Video’ by Fahad Rehman, Real Estate Broker and Founder of The NextGen Team.
Well, the City’s very own Manager of Development Review & Urban Design, Nilesh Surti, recently caught up with Fahad to have a thoughtful discussion on growth, the planning process behind development proposals, what the future of Pickering looks like, and other pressing questions that have been on your mind. Watch video.
November 17, 2021 - Watch Video
November 24, 2021 - Watch Video
Street team pop-up - Summer 2022
We recently hosted a pop-up to inform residents of the various ways to learn more about the planning process and how to get involved.
Navigating Local Planning and Development - Watch now!