Northeast Pickering Secondary Plan
The City of Pickering has experienced tremendous growth pressures that have resulted in challenges with affordable and sustainable housing.
One way that Pickering Council has been looking to address these concerns is by exploring the development potential of 1,600 hectares area of land for long-term housing and employment opportunities. This area is known as the Northeast Pickering Secondary Plan Area.
The Secondary Plan will set the vision and guiding principles for how this area will grow over the next 30 years and will determine the land use, transportation, placemaking, built form, streetscape, and sustainable design for the area.
Past Public Information Centres
Public Information Centre #2 - March 20, 2024
Three draft land use concepts were presented to gain feedback on the desired elements and evaluation criteria that should be used in the creation of a hybrid concept plan. You can view the PIC materials at the links below:
- Presentation
- Display Panels
- Engagement Summary – Coming Soon
Public Information Centre #1 - May 25, 2023
An in-person Public Information Centre (PIC #1) was held to discuss the key findings of a series of background reports, and gather feedback on the future of Northeast Pickering. The feedback we heard at PIC #1 along with the input from the online survey that was open from June 8 to June 23 is summarized in the Round One Engagement Summary. Catch up on the PIC materials at the links below:
The City of Pickering has experienced tremendous growth pressures that have resulted in challenges with affordable and sustainable housing.
One way that Pickering Council has been looking to address these concerns is by exploring the development potential of 1,600 hectares area of land for long-term housing and employment opportunities. This area is known as the Northeast Pickering Secondary Plan Area.
The Secondary Plan will set the vision and guiding principles for how this area will grow over the next 30 years and will determine the land use, transportation, placemaking, built form, streetscape, and sustainable design for the area.
Past Public Information Centres
Public Information Centre #2 - March 20, 2024
Three draft land use concepts were presented to gain feedback on the desired elements and evaluation criteria that should be used in the creation of a hybrid concept plan. You can view the PIC materials at the links below:
- Presentation
- Display Panels
- Engagement Summary – Coming Soon
Public Information Centre #1 - May 25, 2023
An in-person Public Information Centre (PIC #1) was held to discuss the key findings of a series of background reports, and gather feedback on the future of Northeast Pickering. The feedback we heard at PIC #1 along with the input from the online survey that was open from June 8 to June 23 is summarized in the Round One Engagement Summary. Catch up on the PIC materials at the links below:
Ask your questions about the Northeast Pickering Secondary Plan here!
Please share any questions or comments about the Northeast Pickering Secondary Plan here. City Planning Department staff will review and respond to questions.
Share Are the traffic studies being conducted in collaboration with Uxbridge and Scugog Townships since this plan affects road access to North Durham communities? on Facebook Share Are the traffic studies being conducted in collaboration with Uxbridge and Scugog Townships since this plan affects road access to North Durham communities? on Twitter Share Are the traffic studies being conducted in collaboration with Uxbridge and Scugog Townships since this plan affects road access to North Durham communities? on Linkedin Email Are the traffic studies being conducted in collaboration with Uxbridge and Scugog Townships since this plan affects road access to North Durham communities? link
Are the traffic studies being conducted in collaboration with Uxbridge and Scugog Townships since this plan affects road access to North Durham communities?
JIwata asked 11 months agoThe transportation report relies on a number of existing transportation plans including the Durham Transportation Master Plan (TMP). Durham's TMP includes the planning for major roads that connect municipalities throughout Durham Region.
Share The existing Seaton area is already behind schedule. Thousands of families have moved with no essential resources within walking distance like public transport, parks or elementary or high schools. Many travel to Ajax for gas and groceries. Plans for road builds and school builds have been delayed year after year. What is Pickering's plan to complete existing master plans before starting a new one? on Facebook Share The existing Seaton area is already behind schedule. Thousands of families have moved with no essential resources within walking distance like public transport, parks or elementary or high schools. Many travel to Ajax for gas and groceries. Plans for road builds and school builds have been delayed year after year. What is Pickering's plan to complete existing master plans before starting a new one? on Twitter Share The existing Seaton area is already behind schedule. Thousands of families have moved with no essential resources within walking distance like public transport, parks or elementary or high schools. Many travel to Ajax for gas and groceries. Plans for road builds and school builds have been delayed year after year. What is Pickering's plan to complete existing master plans before starting a new one? on Linkedin Email The existing Seaton area is already behind schedule. Thousands of families have moved with no essential resources within walking distance like public transport, parks or elementary or high schools. Many travel to Ajax for gas and groceries. Plans for road builds and school builds have been delayed year after year. What is Pickering's plan to complete existing master plans before starting a new one? link
The existing Seaton area is already behind schedule. Thousands of families have moved with no essential resources within walking distance like public transport, parks or elementary or high schools. Many travel to Ajax for gas and groceries. Plans for road builds and school builds have been delayed year after year. What is Pickering's plan to complete existing master plans before starting a new one?
Mika22 asked 11 months agoThe Northeast Secondary Plan is a long-range planning exercise that will result in new jobs and homes being created. In order for the corresponding infrastructure (roads, water, sewers) to be planned we need to begin by envisioning how this area may develop in the future.
A successful community is a complete community that provides all of the elements needed to live, work, and play. Learning from the experiences in Seaton, and throughout the GTHA, the Northeast Pickering Secondary Plan will provide the direction and policies needed to create a complete community when the appropriate conditions for development are met.
We encourage you to come out to the Public Information Centre on March 20 at 6 p.m. to learn about the three land use concepts that have been prepared and provide your feedback on how to create a complete community.
Share I am a homeowner within these area of the secondary plan. How do i get further information? on Facebook Share I am a homeowner within these area of the secondary plan. How do i get further information? on Twitter Share I am a homeowner within these area of the secondary plan. How do i get further information? on Linkedin Email I am a homeowner within these area of the secondary plan. How do i get further information? link
I am a homeowner within these area of the secondary plan. How do i get further information?
G Smith asked 11 months agoPlease contact us privately with you contact information at
We will ensure that you are added to our contact list to be provided with updates on upcoming events, reports, and meetings.
Share I keep hearing that adding more housing, especially "affordable" housing is becoming a burden on cities like Pickering and that it is not helping our tax base in any way. Will adding these homes and business lower our taxes or increase them? What advantage does Pickering / Durham have by introducing 1600 homes here? on Facebook Share I keep hearing that adding more housing, especially "affordable" housing is becoming a burden on cities like Pickering and that it is not helping our tax base in any way. Will adding these homes and business lower our taxes or increase them? What advantage does Pickering / Durham have by introducing 1600 homes here? on Twitter Share I keep hearing that adding more housing, especially "affordable" housing is becoming a burden on cities like Pickering and that it is not helping our tax base in any way. Will adding these homes and business lower our taxes or increase them? What advantage does Pickering / Durham have by introducing 1600 homes here? on Linkedin Email I keep hearing that adding more housing, especially "affordable" housing is becoming a burden on cities like Pickering and that it is not helping our tax base in any way. Will adding these homes and business lower our taxes or increase them? What advantage does Pickering / Durham have by introducing 1600 homes here? link
I keep hearing that adding more housing, especially "affordable" housing is becoming a burden on cities like Pickering and that it is not helping our tax base in any way. Will adding these homes and business lower our taxes or increase them? What advantage does Pickering / Durham have by introducing 1600 homes here?
cdpage asked 11 months agoPickering is looking for ways to create new homes in all parts of the City. This includes higher density development in the City Centre, gentle intensification in existing neighbourhoods, as well as new development such as Northeast Pickering.
The Northeast Pickering Secondary Plan will attempt to balance new jobs with new homes. This will support the creation of a complete community as well as promote a balanced tax base.
We encourage you to come out to the Public Information Centre on March 20 at 6 p.m. to learn about the three land use concepts that have been prepared and provide your feedback on how to create a complete community.
Share Both Taunton Rd and Hwy 7 will not be capable of handling the increased traffic based upon the increased residential and commercial density. What are the plans to expand (widen) both of these east-west arteries to handle the increased traffic volume? What are the plans to widen other surrounding north-south arteries to also handle this significant increase in traffic volume (Altona Rd, Whites Rd, Brock Rd). Finch Ave will also need to be widened to handle increased traffic flow due to population density. on Facebook Share Both Taunton Rd and Hwy 7 will not be capable of handling the increased traffic based upon the increased residential and commercial density. What are the plans to expand (widen) both of these east-west arteries to handle the increased traffic volume? What are the plans to widen other surrounding north-south arteries to also handle this significant increase in traffic volume (Altona Rd, Whites Rd, Brock Rd). Finch Ave will also need to be widened to handle increased traffic flow due to population density. on Twitter Share Both Taunton Rd and Hwy 7 will not be capable of handling the increased traffic based upon the increased residential and commercial density. What are the plans to expand (widen) both of these east-west arteries to handle the increased traffic volume? What are the plans to widen other surrounding north-south arteries to also handle this significant increase in traffic volume (Altona Rd, Whites Rd, Brock Rd). Finch Ave will also need to be widened to handle increased traffic flow due to population density. on Linkedin Email Both Taunton Rd and Hwy 7 will not be capable of handling the increased traffic based upon the increased residential and commercial density. What are the plans to expand (widen) both of these east-west arteries to handle the increased traffic volume? What are the plans to widen other surrounding north-south arteries to also handle this significant increase in traffic volume (Altona Rd, Whites Rd, Brock Rd). Finch Ave will also need to be widened to handle increased traffic flow due to population density. link
Both Taunton Rd and Hwy 7 will not be capable of handling the increased traffic based upon the increased residential and commercial density. What are the plans to expand (widen) both of these east-west arteries to handle the increased traffic volume? What are the plans to widen other surrounding north-south arteries to also handle this significant increase in traffic volume (Altona Rd, Whites Rd, Brock Rd). Finch Ave will also need to be widened to handle increased traffic flow due to population density.
Tazz007 asked 12 months agoThe Integrated Transportation/Transit Strategy Background Report, prepared for the Secondary, provides information on existing conditions and potential network connections that will inform the preparation of three land use concepts. Once a preferred concept has been selected, the Integrated Transportation/Transit Strategy will identify the transportation improvements that must be in place to support growth at each phase of development.
We encourage you to come out and speak to the transportation engineer at the Public Information Centre on March 20 at 6 p.m.
Share Has a Natural Heritage or Environmental Impact Study been completed for the plan area? on Facebook Share Has a Natural Heritage or Environmental Impact Study been completed for the plan area? on Twitter Share Has a Natural Heritage or Environmental Impact Study been completed for the plan area? on Linkedin Email Has a Natural Heritage or Environmental Impact Study been completed for the plan area? link
Has a Natural Heritage or Environmental Impact Study been completed for the plan area?
cdschank asked 12 months agoA Natural Heritage and Hazard Background Analysis has been prepared as part of the background review for the Secondary Plan. This document will be posted to the project web page shortly.
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Key Dates
May 25 2023
May 2022 → April 2023
March 20 2024
Project Timeline
Phase 1: Vision and Principles
Northeast Pickering Secondary Plan has finished this stageCreate a draft vision and principles to guide the land use plan
Phase 2: Background Studies and Growth Options
Northeast Pickering Secondary Plan is currently at this stage- Prepare technical background reports
- Present findings and hold a Public Information Centre with the community
- Develop different land use options and evaluate them based on key criteria
- Engage the community on the options and results of the evaluation
- Select and refine a preferred land use concept
Phase 3: Prepare a Draft Secondary Plan (Official Plan Amendment)
this is an upcoming stage for Northeast Pickering Secondary Plan- Develop draft policies for the Northeast Pickering Secondary Plan to merge into the City's Official Plan
- Present the Draft Secondary Plan to the community to gather feedback
Phase 4: Final Secondary Plan (Official Plan Amendment Adoption and Approval)
this is an upcoming stage for Northeast Pickering Secondary Plan- Finalize the policies for the Northeast Pickering Secondary Plan based on engagement with Indigenous rights-holders, community members, and other stakeholders
- Present final Recommended Official Plan Amendment to City Council for Adoption and to Region of Durham for Approval
Technical Reports
Background Reports
Affordable Housing Strategy (5.61 MB) (pdf)
Sustainability Report (5.08 MB) (pdf)
Community Placemaking Study (19.4 MB) (pdf)
Community Services and Facilities Report (12.5 MB) (pdf)
Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment (22 MB) (pdf)
Employment Land Strategy (5.7 MB) (pdf)
Integrated Transportation and Transit Strategy Background Report (4.25 MB) (pdf)
Municipal Servicing Analysis Background Report.pdf (11.1 MB) (pdf)
Agricultural Assessment Report (21.6 MB) (pdf)
Retail Market Study - Northeast Pickering (4.53 MB) (pdf)
Natural Heritage and Hazard Report.pdf (32.7 MB) (pdf)
Cultural Heritage Resource Assessment (22.5 MB) (pdf)